flair n. promiscuousness and/or buffoonery

By imitating Trudeau, Ignatieff could recast himself as a leader with a bold vision for Canada, a man who offered voters a stark alternative to Harper, rather than the uninspiring leader whose main policy positions seem merely to mirror those of the Conservatives.Dare we point out that there’s a difference between making “Canadians believe [they] mattered on the world stage” and Canada actually mattering on the world stage? Or perhaps that’s the columnist’s point, the cynical scamp. The emphasis should really be on that word “believe” then, shouldn’t it? As in: making Canadians “believe” that championing medicare and restoring our image as global peacemakers are bold, risk-taking stands that the pollsters consider unpopular.
[Trudeau] was internationally famous and he made Canadians believe we mattered on the world stage.
And he had flair, dating a series of beautiful women and once performing a pirouette behind Queen Elizabeth's back.
In contrast, Ignatieff, a man of intellect and international experience like Trudeau, comes across as too packaged, stiff, seemingly afraid to take a stand on any issue that pollsters tell him is unpopular.
To regain momentum, Ignatieff needs to offer voters bold programs for the future. To do so, he should steal from Trudeau's agenda, running on just two or three overriding themes that resonate with Canadians, such as championing medicare or restoring our image as global peacemakers.
Being bold, taking risks, speaking his mind, promoting programs that made this country better: they all worked for Trudeau.
They might just work for Ignatieff, too.
(Cross-posted at Small Dead Animals, where I'm guest-blogging for a bit.)
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