Monday, June 27, 2005

Democratic! Say it enough and it becomes true

Justice Minister Irwin Cotler couldn't be any more ridiculous in his tissue-thin veiling of what is, arguably, the Liberal government's (near-succesful) bid to subvert the democratic process. He says, "We're now at the last stage of this democratic exercise. It may well resolve itself this week." ...I mean?! Why did he bother throwing this "democratic exercise" business in there? It's like the cashier at my grocery store swiping my debit card and saying--with perspiring brow and trembling hand--"We're now at the last stage of this completely legitimate, debit-card-fraud-free transaction. It may well resolve itself in the next ten seconds."

One wonders if it would have been much more obvious if Mr. Cotler had said: "We're now at the last democratic stage of this democratic exercise. It may well democratically resolve its democratic self this democratic week. Democratic."